Women, it is up to us. It is up to us to make our voices heard and it is up to us to exercise our right to vote. I know that you are probably as sick of the political phone calls, text messages, emails, and political advertisements as I am, but you need to vote. One hundred years ago, a century ago, ten decades ago, one thousand two hundred months ago, 36,500 days ago, 876,581.3 hours ago, or 52,594,876.6 minutes ago women did not have the right to vote. In fact, it won't be for another year and two hundred four days from now that we will celebrate the one hundredth year of women being allowed to vote. Please go vote.
Unless you are dying, there are very few excuses for not voting. Many cities are offering free public transportation to and from the polls. Uber and Lyft are also offering either free or discounted rides to those who need rides to the polls. If you don't believe that your vote matters and you choose to not vote, you are choosing to fall. There are plenty of reasons to enjoy a fall, like beautiful trees, but a fall from equality is not one that we should stand for.
Women, it is our turn to go to the polls. It is our turn to bring some sensibility back to our country. It is time for us to honor our great-grandmothers who fought for decades to give women the right to vote. Now we need to exercise that right.
So, if you haven't already done so, please vote tomorrow. (And if you're not sure where to go, start here.